Keraza Rules for 2023
Online Registration
Please register your team by clicking the “Register” button on the website.
Registration this year is only $50 per team (regardless of size, up to 12 members).
The deadline for team registration is Sunday, July 16.
Age Requirements
Pre-K and Kindergarten (children who graduated kindergarten before August 1 cannot participate with 1st graders, they have to participate in Pre-K and Kindergarten).
1st and 2nd grades (participants who completed 2nd grade before August 1 have to join with 2nd graders).
3rd and 4th grades (participants who completed 4th grade before August 1 have to participate with 4th graders).
5th and 6th Grades (6th-grade participants who graduated before August 1, and will be going to 7th grade in the upcoming school year, can participate in the Keraza competition or participate in the YSC).
Adult Arabic participants have to be of post-college age.
The maximum team size is 12 participants.
The minimum team size is 3 (a team of 2 members may be allowed in exceptional cases).
Hymns and Memorization Testing
Hymns and memorization testing must be recorded as a team.
Recordings of hymns and memorization will be uploaded according to the Hymns Test Instructions.
Dates: Thursday, July 27 through Sunday, July 30 (upload the recorded hymns and memorization tests by 11:59 PM, Sunday, July 30).
Please download, print, and sign the Permission to Video and Audio Record Your Child Form, and keep it in your church’s files.
Please follow the file name conventions for the different parts explained in the test instructions.
Spiritual and Coptic Language Testing
All spiritual tests will be available online. PreK-K and 1-2 grades will be tested orally, and the judges will still access the tests and grade them online. Other levels will answer the tests online; each team will answer the test together.
All spiritual testing is done in teams.
Date: Saturday, August 5.
Place: Churches can host online testing at their locations if they meet the Alkeraza Church Testing Requirements.
Date: Saturday, August 12. The award ceremony will be held together with YSC, at UCLA Pavilion in Los Angeles.
Each winning church will receive only one award per grade level.
Awards are presented to all church teams in a particular grade level. (There will be no announcement of winning teams).